Leadership Newsletter

For People Leaders And Employee Engagement Committee Members

Engaged employees create organizational win-wins – they are more productive, increase customer loyalty and improve bottom lines. -Pamela Gail Johnson

Add your name, BEST email and organization details to the form so you can receive Pamela Gail Johnson’s newsletter about leading motivated, engaged, and productive teams.

You’ll need to confirm your email address to get the newsletter.

What Other Leaders Are Saying…

Secret nick-name email made me laugh. I gave myself a non-secret nickname, asking to be called Claire (as in Clairvoyant) since I knew my boss was going to do something that he promised he would NOT do!

Barb (Claire) Mac Geiss

Administrative Manager | SiMPore.com

I am in charge of our work culture committee, and your newsletters not only give me new ideas, but they also help boost my mood, so I can continue to support my team!


Duke University | NC

I love Pamela Gail’s newsletter. It gives us regular discussion topics at our staff meetings to get staff thinking differently and more positively. We also use it to plan little pick me ups throughout the month. It is a wonderful tool that has improved my skills as a supervisor and our team as a whole.

Thank you for all your hard work on this and congratulations on your continued successes.


Controller | ME

Finding Pamela Gail’s email in my inbox always brings a smile. It keeps me aware of new ideas to help make our workplace a happier one. My team laughs together a lot and our work is stronger for it. Thank you, Pamela Gail.


Children’s & Women’s Hospital | Vancouver, BC

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