Pamela’s Program Topics

Inspired Leadership:

The Four Secrets to Creating a Work Culture People Crave

Motivated Movers & Doers:

Four Secrets to Being a Valued Team Member


Live More Happy:

Four Ah-Ha’s That Can Change Your Life

From Recent Events…

A few of the organizations Pamela has presented to…

Pamela’s Reviews…

  • I think it was very helpful to hear some current statistics on how all people, particularly professionals, are struggling mentally with the ongoing covid crisis. Knowing this allows us to be more empathetic, flexible, and inclusive macro-leaders within our organizations.
  • This was so timely for me as a reminder that we are all in this together.
  • Good timing for the presentation, good statistics and I liked the polls.
  • This was the best webinar. I like how the speaker was interactive with polls & asking us questions to respond in chat. This was the most I’ve ever interacted in a webinar.
  • Very timely information. Good comments/participation/ideas from participants. Thank you!
  • I like the insights on meeting employees where they are.

 In The News…

“Want to know why we find happy people annoying? Because they don’t fully understand what happiness is. They think it’s about ALWAYS being happy, upbeat, cheerful, and chipper. So, they fake it. The faking is what annoys us. Pamela has given us a way to be happy and to mean it. Practically. Realistically. Authentically. And while we will not always be happy in every moment, at least we can be happy consistently and with meaning. Give this book to someone as a gift and you could be giving them the gift of real happiness. Who knows? Maybe that person is yourself.”

Tim David

Author of Magic Words, The Four Levels of Influencing People, and The 7-Day Digital Diet

“Practical Happiness is a valuable guide to help you raise your happiness ‘set point.’  Pamela Gail Johnson offers four powerful principles along with transformational techniques you can easily apply in your life.”

Marci Shimoff

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author, Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

“As a tour guide on the journey to happiness, Pamela Gail Johnson is good company. And more importantly, she knows the way. Practical Happiness is warm and wise and worth your time.”

David Niven, Ph.D.

Bestselling Author of The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People
“Practical Happiness is a well-researched, yet applicable method to taking charge of your own happiness and bettering your life.”

David Burkus

Author of Leading from Anywhere, Friend of a Friend, and Myths of Creativity